We set these policies to ensure that you are fully aware of our refund and return methods and procedures. These policies are applicable to (INDIA) country.

 Thank you for choosing to shop at Linef. We want to ensure your complete satisfaction with your purchase. Please read our return policy carefully to understand the conditions and procedures for initiating a return.

Return Request Period: If you wish to make a return, please submit a complaint within 48 hours of receiving the product. Any requests received after this period may not be accepted.

Damaged Product: If you receive a damaged product, kindly provide us with an unboxing video showing the damage. This evidence is crucial for us to assess the situation and provide appropriate assistance.

Missing Items: Should any items be absent from your order, please share an unboxing video displaying the remaining items. Kindly inform us within 48 hours of delivery. We will examine the situation and, if confirmed, issue a refund for the missing item(s).

Exchange for Wrong Product: If you mistakenly ordered the wrong product and would like to exchange it, please note that the shipping charges for returning the item and for the replacement item will be your responsibility. Please contact our customer support team for further instructions on how to proceed with the exchange.

Refund Process: Once your return is received and inspected, we will notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund. If approved, the refund will be processed and applied to the original method of payment within 7 Days.

It usually takes more than 7 days to deliver the products after placing the order. It should be 7 days from the date of receipt.

The return will be processed only if:

1) It is determined that the product was not damaged while in your possession

2) The product is not different from what was shipped to you

3) The product is returned in its original condition

4) The customer must take an unboxing video.

The refund is only possible if the product is unused, undamaged, and with the original packaging and with the receipt and the invoice. Only when the product reaches the premises we will refund you your amount as decided.

In case you feel that the product received is not as shown on the site or as per your expectations, you must bring it to the notice of our customer service within 24 hours of receiving the product. The Customer Service Team after looking into your complaint will take an appropriate decision.


58 – Pramukh ABC Bungalows,
Opp. Pramukh Heights, Shrushti,
Amroli, Surat – 394107
Gujarat, India

Phone:  7485917099
Email: info@linefblog.com

For Any Questions, You Can Easily Contact Us.
Support: Monday to Saturday From 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM

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